The Infinity Gauntlet #1" is the opening issue of a six-part limited series that plunges the Marvel Universe into a cosmic crisis. Thanos, the Mad Titan, has gathered all six Infinity Gems, now called Infinity Stones, and mounted them onto his gauntlet, granting him god-like power over the entire universe. This issue sets the stage for an epic battle for the fate of all existence.
"The Infinity Gauntlet #1" is regarded as a seminal issue in Marvel Comics' history, laying the foundation for one of the most iconic crossover events. It has influenced numerous other storylines and adaptations, including the Marvel Cinematic Universe's "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame." The themes of power, sacrifice, and resilience explored in this issue resonate strongly with readers and have cemented its status as a classic.
Overall, "The Infinity Gauntlet #1" is a must-have for any collectors of Marvel Comics.